Silly Season Shuffle: Plan With Confidence

2010 is encroaching upon us and it seems like people are getting the urge to plan for their coming year.

Here’s an idea for you – get out of the annual basis and look into macro & micro cycles. To keep thing simple – let’s look at it this way…

MACRO: What is your ultimate destination?

MICRO: Where do you need to go today?

I’ll put it out there in retrospective:

Macro: Earn my ISU MBA

Micro: Execute curriculum with daily studies, weekly classes and team meetings, and monthly projects.

Macro: Develop as a Legal Marketing professional, earn confidence in the marketing function of the firm.

Micro: Daily interaction with attorneys and departments, weekly updates to the efficacy of our marketing efforts, monthly planning, review and adjustments.

The key to success in these two examples is the ability to plan, but also react and make changes on the fly. As I embarked upon the journey towards both goals at roughly the same time, I had to be fluid and able to adjust priorities. One of the tools I engaged to help with prioritization is Getting Things Done by David Allen.

*** Here is a cool post from @levirosol I found this morning.