Building Good Habits

I fell off the “100 words a day” bandwagon shortly after committing to it, but I knew that would probably happen anyway.

I’ve been keeping a running journal in Evernote the past few years of ideas, thoughts, brainstorms, and Someday/Maybe stuff. I’ve got quite a repository under “blog” alone numbering 45 separate notes today. This is a great place to jog my memory, work out ideas, and delete the crap.

Friday, June 14 was both my 39th birthday and leaving CliftonLarsonAllen LLP. It is interesting to look at the yin and yang of personal and professional milestones in the same day. While celebrating on the one hand, there is a sense of loss on the other. In an instance like this, hopes and fears are together, joined as one.

Sunday, June 16 was both my 14th anniversary of my Crohn’s Disease diagnosis and Father’s Day. Again, a weird combination. I guess that is where very good doctors helped me make sure I’d be around to see the joys of my life, my wife, kids, and family, and remember that waking up in the cardiac ICU of Mercy is better than the alternative.

With that, the happy accident of the day was going back home to the Marty’s Schwinn Cyclery / Iowa Bike and Fitness reunion. “We did so much with so little,” was the theme of the day, seeing friends come back together to tell stories of struggle, commitment, sacrifice, and building a skill set that pays off to this day. We all have much to be proud of and can trace it back to one family giving each of us a chance to shine.

Overall, the weekend was awesome, and is just the foothold necessary to have an exciting summer with the family, friends, and searching for new opportunities along the way. The habits and desire that got me to where I am today remind me that I’ve got a long way to go, and am ready for the adventure. I’ve been there before and the ride ahead will be an exciting one.

Quoting Ferris Bueller, “life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once and awhile, you could miss it.” Go be awesome.