Miley Cyrus Primer on Twitter

Dear Miley,

I’m sorry that you deleted your account. It is a serious downer that your tweeps couldn’t bring you back by #bringbackmiley tweets. So here is a quick primer on Twitter for you to think about when you come back.

  1. Thanks for the millions – Jamie Eliason and could show you and your sponsors how to monetize your tweets and fanbase.
  2. It was never about you. Twitter is about sharing information and promotion. You were promoting the Miley Cyrus brand and got locked into the “what am I doing” minutae no one cares about and really is too personal.
  3. Really, it wasn’t about you. I’m disappointed your advisors didn’t show you the way to make some serious impact through twitter. Just think if you plugged your favorite charity by telling each tweep to give a dollar. $2 million isn’t anything to sniff at in this economy.
  4. Do people really care where you are? That is the double-edged sword of twitter. People really DON’T care. People want usable information. Just look at the popular #hashtags. Information in real time. Politics. Sports. News. Not the EOnline.
  5. Come on – tweet as Hannah Montana for all we care. Miley’s in New York, Hannah’s on Rodeo Drive. Get it? Have some fun with it.

I hope I don’t get classified as a “lame blogger.

Thanks to NPR All Tech Considered for cluing me in – I think.