Commitment: What Does 100 Words Look Like?

I’ve been wanting to write more for years. It has been spotty at best, but committing to manageable steps is where to start.
Each of us have tons of great thoughts, ideas, notes, businesses, plans, goals, and actions coursing through our mind on a daily basis. Where do you collect those thoughts to review and move on them? When do you act? How do you manage them? Who do you work with? What does success look like?
That’s what my 100 words look like today. What’s your stepping stone to a greater goal?

Recharge and #Unplug


How can you #unplug with an iPhone and computer on the coffee table, Dish Network on the screen, stack of newspapers on the floor, and a few books and magazines strewn about?

Try turning them off. Image


I’m not perfect, but for a week on the lake, I did my best to keep the technology turned off and only respond to the most important messages. Yeah, I did a few check-ins, posted the #100playgrounds on Instabook, and streamed NPR from time to time, but overall, I was able to unplug.

It was hard looking at my Lift App every few days and realize I wasn’t hitting my targets for writing, but I did save some ideas for future reference and took pages of notes in Evernote for GTD.

The recharge was good and made me realize that being focused on the meaningful things in life is most important. Perspective is two and a half years of work being whittled down to a small box of paper, while a week unplugged fills a lifetime of memories that no one can take away.

Now turn it off and focus on yourself, family, friends, and live your life to the fullest.